Shares of Maruti Suzuki were up over 2% at Rs 11,394 on October 29, during early morning deals. Brokerages didn’t present a unified view of the stock immediately after the Q2 numbers. Views were mixed, as there is a sense of caution about future growth...
Cipla, one of India’s top pharmaceutical giants, recently impressed the market with its strong July-September quarterly performance. However, a series of challenges on the horizon is creating some turbulence for the company’s growth prospects. While Cipla remains a...
Swiggy Ltd., the popular Indian food delivery giant, has officially announced a price band of Rs 371-390 per share for its highly anticipated initial public offering (IPO). The IPO will be open for public subscription from November 6 to November 8, marking a...
In a significant boost to India’s renewable energy sector, Insolation Energy has announced its largest-ever contract, valued at Rs 500 crore, for solar power projects. This milestone contract, awarded by the Rajasthan Renewable Energy Corporation Ltd (RREC), has led...
KR Choksey maintained the “Accumulate” rating on Bandhan Bank with a target price of Rs 200. That target is down from Rs 217; it actually reflects the struggle that is still going in the space of micro finance. Well, after somewhat more recent results in...